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On Your Side: University of Missouri tech expert predicts 2024 will be more significant than any year before for online shopping fraud [Video]


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3)—Americans made a record number of online purchases on Cyber Monday in 2023, and analysts predict another massive period of digital transactions.

Adobe Analytics is estimating more than $13 billion in sales in the U.S. on Monday.

Dr. Prasad Calyam, director of the University of Missouri’s Cyber Education, Research and Infrastructure Center, said it’s likely also to be the worst year on record for digital fraud and scams.

“I think this year is going to be more significant than any year before, just because the hackers have a lot more working technology at their hands to do deception,” Calyam said.

The Federal Trade Commission offers the following tips to consumers planning to make online purchases on Monday or any other time.

  • Know the seller and the item | Search the name of the product or service in a search engine, look through previous reviews and complaints to see the experience of other customers.
  • Avoid …

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