Optimizely is gettin’ SaaSy with us.
Along with its growing spade of enterprise-focused digital experience products – including its industry-leading content management system – the company just added a new SaaS CMS to its empire of offerings.
That might be enough of a game-changer, but the plot thickens: The package also includes its new Visual Builder – a dynamic feature that further expands the DXP’s capabilities in the direction of marketers.
Bottom line: Optimizely’s users and teams can now leverage a PaaS or SaaS option based on their organizational needs and goals and dig into a super-slick, easy-to-use visual tool that’s purpose-built for marketers.
Destination: SaaSification.
It’s no shocker by any means. Optimizely has proven adept and resourceful at cracking the eggshell and seeping into multiple layers of the marketing ecosystem. Not only does it enjoy a top-tier position on Gartner’s MQ for DXPs, but it also rules the roost on Gartner’s sister grid …