Pixel 9 Series Leaks: Search giant Google has confirmed the launch of the Pixel 9 Pro Fold and Pixel 9 Pro on August 14 in India. Ahead of the release, 91Mobiles tipped the specifications and features of the upcoming phones via the marketing material in partnership with OnLeaks. The leak confirms four phones: Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL and Pixel 9 Pro Fold. Here is all you need to know about the latest leak.
According to the report, the Pixel 9 series could arrive in two grey shades, off-white and pink. While the back may debut with a matte finish, the metallic sides could get a glossy look. The Pixel 9, 9 Pro and 9 Pro XL may have an oblong-shaped camera module. Pixel 9 Pro Fold may have a rectangular camera module with rounded sides.
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