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Watch: Undercover agents sneak Pepsi into McDonalds, Burger King and Wendys [Video]

Digital Marketing

Undercover agents are giving Pepsi-filled “undercover cups” disguised to look like they have fast-food chain branding on them to unsuspecting McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s customers. 

The campaign’s main message? “Burgers deserve Pepsi.” 

“We help people sneak Pepsi into places that don’t serve it,” said one of Pepsi’s agents in the stunt’s campaign video, which was unveiled on Instagram, TikTok, X and Facebook.

The Undercover Cups stunt is the latest from the Food Deserves Pepsi platform – a campaign that sneaks Pepsi into popular burger joints like McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s with Pepsi Chase Cars equipped with hidden fountain machines. 

Additionally, for National Fast-Food Day on November 16, Pepsi is partnering with chains that have already embraced the soda brand – like KFC, Fatburger and Taco Bell – to offer fans $5 off DoorDash orders when purchasing a Pepsi of any flavor or size.

This story first appeared on PRWeek U.S.

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