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Why Would You Ever Close A Sale? [Video]

Digital Marketing

Why do people use the term ‘closing a sale’?

In this Vlog, Grant Leboff explains why it’s the worst possible term you could ever use.

Why do people use the term ‘closing a sale’?

It’s the worst possible term you could ever use. Sales are never closed.

Actually. If you think about sales as a process, what sales is, is a series of commitments and all you are ever doing is trying to take your prospect or your customer to the next commitment.

So for example, you might exchange messages on LinkedIn and that might lead to a commitment to have a SKYPE call. You then might have a SKYPE call and that might lead to another commitment to have a meeting. That meeting might lead to another commitment of a bigger meeting with more of their team involved, and then that meeting might lead to a commitment for them to order from you for the first time, but at that point you haven’t closed the sale, because …

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