Big ideas from this week’s episode:
- Great marketing requires teamwork – nobody succeeds alone!
- It takes all kinds
- Great teams need great chemistry!
Paula Williams: Welcome to aviation marketing Hangar Flying episode number 65, Marketing is Teamwork.
John Williams: Now, you think?
Paula Williams: [LAUGH] It takes more than one that’s for sure. So I’m Paula Williams.
John Williams: And I’m John Williams.
Paula Williams: And we are ABCI, your team [LAUGH] of international aviation marketing consultants.
John Williams: Together with a whole group of guys working in the background behind us.
Paula Williams: Absolutely, for individual projects we may have tons of people working on it. So team work is really key to us as well. So use the #AvGeekMarketing, if you would like to ask questions or comment or do anything else that you would like a reply to that will help us find your thoughts and comments.
Wondering …