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5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

Google Now Serving RSA Headlines as Sitelinks [Video]

Digital Marketing

Hi folks. I regret to inform you that we’ve hit peak dumb with Google Ads.

In an announcement late last week, Google talked about “better asset flexibility.”

Sounds cool, right? Just wait.

Google went on to say that they are, “exploring new AI-powered changes to Search campaigns and creatives, designed to increase asset flexibility and improve your results by finding the best combination of assets.”

Uhhhh OK, still cool? Assets can help you punch up your RSAs and add important context to display next to your headlines and descriptions. This is still sounding positive.

Then came the bombshell. “Starting today, up to two RSA headlines can serve in the space that previously only sitelinks were eligible for when they’re predicted to improve performance,” Google said. “When this occurs, the two links built from your headlines will point to your ad’s final URL.”

What in tarnation? Headlines have typically not been an “asset” but rather… a …

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