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Googles New AI Mode Could Be a Game-Changer for Search [Video]

Digital Marketing

Google’s AI search strategy finally makes sense to me. The company announced an upgrade to Gemini 2.0 this week, but the biggest news was the introduction of a completely new “AI Mode.” 

Until now, AI Overviews (formerly the Search Generative Experience) have been frankensteined into the SERPs, creating a clumsy user experience. It’s safe to say this new AI Mode will address that and improve functionality.

In this blog, I’ll break down what we know about AI Mode and what it means for Google’s search strategy moving forward.

AIOs Haven’t Been Consistent

Sometimes AI Overviews (AIOs) show, and sometimes they don’t. Their visibility has fluctuated with great volatility. 

If no AIOs are available for a query, users are left with no AI results at all.

This lack of consistency isn’t ideal for a $2 trillion company trying to increase user engagement with its product.

Enter AI Mode.

Why AI Mode Makes Sense

AI Mode gives users the option to choose how they …

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