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Going Viral on LinkedIn: Strategies That Any Business Can Use [Video]

Digital Marketing

At Single Grain, we understand the value of LinkedIn. After all, we helped our clients drive 193% more MQLs with LinkedIn ads.

But what does it take to go viral on LinkedIn? There are a few simple steps that all businesses should follow.

Key Highlights

  • LinkedIn has a complex algorithm, so understanding how LinkedIn ranks posts will help you go viral.
  • Some post topics perform better on LinkedIn. The best viral post topics include motivational stories, business insights, “aha” moments, workplace culture, trends, and industry issues.
  • LinkedIn’s algorithms favor consistent posting, so aim to post five to seven times daily.
  • Users find businesses, jobs, and accounts using LinkedIn’s search engine, so optimize your posts for SEO by including keywords in the content and hashtags at the bottom.
  • Engage with other accounts by commenting on posts.
  • A successful post has persuasive writing. Your posts should …
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