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Google Ads Update: Why You Need Navigation on Your Landing Pages Now [Video]

Digital Marketing

Google Ads recently announced a significant update to how relevancy is calculated in ads. It will now ensure that the landing page matches user intent and includes helpful navigation options. 

An example of poor navigation relevance was a user trying to log in to a site, arriving on a navigation-less promotional landing page, and being unable to find a link to log in.

And I agree that while those types of landing pages can work well from a CVR standpoint, they can be a nuisance. They went as far as to state: “We’re now able to show you fewer ads like this, reducing these types of negative experiences for people searching on Google”.

In this blog, I’ll break down what this change means for advertisers and how you can adjust your landing pages to improve user experience.

Time For New Landing Pages

If you only have landing pages devoid of navigation, now’s the time to …

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