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Google June Spam Update Done, Continuous Scroll Gone, AI OverviewLinks Improving, Google Ads Query Matching Update & More [Video]

This week, Google completed the rollout of the June 2024 spam update over a 7-day period. Google has dropped its continuous scroll interface for the search results. Google is testing placing link cards at the top of the AI Overviews. Google is showing more health AI Overviews. Google is testing AI Overviews in local panels. Google said it can improve its search rankings system but will only do it at scale, at the system level. Google interviewed their own Elizabeth Tucker on how Google measures search quality. Google said do not avoid mentioning brand names in your review content. Google explained when you should fix your 404 pages. Google Chrome for mobile added several new search features. Google is testing a new credit card widget in search. Google is testing sliding the search results right when you do a new query. Bing is writing some people also ask using AI. …

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