Sales Funnel Software and Tools

How to add a welcome menu to your Live chat [Video]

A bot greeting appears when a user starts a live chat on your website, launching a flow or opening a link. You can use this feature to answer common questions or redirect users to certain website pages.

Let’s learn how to add a greeting message and customize your menu.

Go to Bot Settings > Bot greeting.

All bot greeting elements (greeting text, menu, and a privacy policy link) are optional, and you can add all of them or only some of them.

Add greeting text

Select the Show greeting text checkbox, and enter your text. You can add up to 256 characters and emoji.

Select the Add a privacy policy link checkbox, and add your text and a link.

In the Chat menu section, click Add item.

In the Menu element text field, enter your menu element name. You can add up to 64 characters and emoji.

Select the action that should be …

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