Digital Marketing

How to setup Facebook Conversion Tracking on your ASF site. [Video]

How to measure effectiveness on your Facebook ads, Facebook conversion tracking explained and how to install the checkout code on your ASF site.

2016 Update: Looking for how to install the new Facebook Pixel? Click here to jump ahead to that part of this tutorial.

Being the resident marketing guy here at ASF affords me the opportunity to speak to print studios and artists on a regular basis.

I get to hear about how your businesses are operating and what you are struggling with most, and what areas you need the most help with right now.

For 9/10 of the folks I talk to, its traffic.

It’s getting your art and services in front of more eyeballs.

So how do you do that?

Well, there are a ton of ways to do so. Many of which we plan on blogging about here in the future.

For the purposes of this post, we are talking about Facebook Ads.

Facebook, in my opinion, represents one of the greatest opportunities …

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