
Illinois bill would ban junk fees [Video]

SPRINGFIELD (WGEM) – Illinois may soon ban “junk fees”.

A bill in the state House of Representatives would ban companies from tacking fees onto the originally listed purchase price.

Junk fees are price increases added onto the originally listed price. They often are convenience fees or credit card surcharges. They are common used at restaurants, on online shopping websites, when someone is buying tickets to a concert or sporting event and ordering takeout.

The bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Deerfield, said these fees can typically add between 20% and 30% to the total price.

While the legislation would not ban companies from charging that total, Morgan argues it’s unfair to consumers to not have the full price upfront.

“This is basically a disclosure bill,” he said. “It’s basically making sure that a consumer has the information that they need to be able to choose whether to buy something or not, because right now we’re being deceived. There are these hidden …

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