Human Plus AI Collaboration: Lessons from Kasparov’s Freestyle Chess
Human Plus AI Collaboration: Lessons from Kasparov’s Freestyle Chess
12 Steps to Create Videos

Our 10:1 ROI Guarantee*: Your Investment, Our Commitment [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

MarketSmart guarantees at least $10 in return for every $1 you invest in your first year—or your money back. We’ve never had to refund a dollar because our system delivers results.

Does any part of your fundraising budget generate a 10:1 ROI?

  • Events?
  • Direct mail?
  • Telemarketing?
  • Staffing?
  • Training?

If not, it’s time to consider MarketSmart. It’s guaranteed*

Our 10:1 ROI Guarantee means you can move forward confidently with MarketSmart’s system. We help unassigned prospects self-identify their readiness to engage, while automation nurtures others, freeing up your fundraisers to focus on high-capacity prospects ready to act.

To qualify, your organization must:

  • Spend $1 million+ annually on fundraising.
  • Engage 10,000+ donors (active or lapsed) via email.

We calculate your ROI by measuring two key factors from the responders to MarketSmart’s engagement strategy:

  • Gifts Realized: The total amount donated in the first year of partnering with MarketSmart.
  • Planned Giving Potential:The value of the planned gifts uncovered in the first year, either based on documented …

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