Marketing Platforms and CRM

Salesforce launches beta for Einstein Copilot: A conversational AI assistant tailored for CRM [Video]

Salesforce, the provider of AI-powered Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions, officially launched the public beta of Einstein Copilot on Wednesday, February 28. Einstein Copilot is a conversational and generative AI assistant designed exclusively for Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Salesforce’s Einstein Copilot allows users to harness the power of GenAI by utilising their private and trusted data, eliminating the need for expensive AI model training.

“Unlike other AI assistants or copilots that lack adequate company data to generate useful responses, Einstein Copilot enables Salesforce customers to generate responses using their own private and trusted data, while maintaining strict data governance and without requiring expensive AI model training,” the company said in a statement.

Einstein Copilot enables users to generate responses, summarise content, create new content, interpret complex conversations, and automate tasks seamlessly within Salesforce’s top-rated AI CRM applications, it added.

Marc Benioff, Chairman and CEO of Salesforce, emphasised the significance of AI, stating, “AI is …

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