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YouTube will ask iOS users to ‘Allow tracking for personalized ads [Video]

Marketing Analytics and Reporting

With iOS 14.5, Apple required app developers to tell users about and have them opt-in to broader tracking. In 2021, Google apps stopped certain tracking methods (IDFA) to comply and not have to show that prompt. YouTube will soon ask iOS users if they want to opt into “more personalized advertising” with an App Tracking Transparency (ATT) prompt.

In the near future (“starting soon”), YouTube for iOS will show a one-time permission — Allow “YouTube” to track your activity across other companies’ apps and websites? — with two options:

  • Allow: “If you turn on this setting, activity from this app will be linked with activity from non-Google apps and websites to show personalized ads and provide ad measurement. Your choice will be applied to all users of the YouTube app on the device where the setting is turned on.”
  • Ask App Not to Track: “If you don’t turn this setting on, activity from …
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