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AI for Personalised Marketing Campaigns in Small Businesses [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

As digital landscapes evolve, small businesses have been presented with the profound opportunity to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) for more personalised marketing strategies. AI opens many doors for creating campaigns that speak directly to individual consumer preferences, leading to deeper connections and improved engagement rates. AI can be a game-changer for small enterprises operating with limited resources, automating tasks that would otherwise consume valuable time while providing insights that drive revenue.

By harnessing AI, small businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to align with consumer behaviours and anticipate needs, delivering content that resonates on a personal level. This level of customisation used to be accessible only to large corporations with significant budgets, but AI levels the playing field, enabling small businesses to compete more effectively. Tools such as AI-driven analytics platforms and chatbots mean that personalisation at scale is now a realistic ambition for even the smallest companies.

AI is …

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