Digital Marketing

Cold Calling: How to Get Past the Gatekeeper [Video]

23 Sep 16

On this episode, we answer a frequently asked question about prospecting. How do you get past the gatekeeper to reach a decision-maker?

On this episode, CEO of ioFunnel Ankur asks: Often after dropping an email or LinkedIn message we try to follow up with a decision maker by phone. In most cases, we are greeted by a gatekeeper who politely asks us to drop the decision maker an email—we rarely get a response. How would you get past the gatekeeper to talk to the decision maker?

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Video Transcript

Well, thank you for that question. It’s one I appreciate because we’ve all run into it in the past. Gatekeepers have gotten very good at their job which is protecting that key decision-maker from the vendors, their partners, and the salespeople who are calling on them every day .

So, of course, they’re going …

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