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Every Business and Organisation MUST Have a Knowledge Management Strategy [Video]

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Every Business and Organisation MUST Have a Knowledge Management Strategy

Every Business and Organisation MUST Have a Knowledge Management Strategy – Sarah Cordiner’s Knowledge Management Strategy

No matter what your business does.

No matter what your industry is in;

Your number one assets in your business,

are the people

and the knowledge in their head.

In terms of running a profitable organisation.

EVERY business and organisation of every size, MUST have a knowledge management strategy to keep oeganisational knowledge and IP within the business.

You must have a system for ensuring that all of the expertise, skills and knowledge of your staff is collected and recorded,

that it is stored in a system that everyone can access and update at all times,

and that has a system in place to ensure it can be followed and implemented by ANYONE, should the people who do their work leave the organisation.

Knowledge Management Strategy is critical, and if you don’t have one – you are running a high risk operation.

I am a qualified education consultant and professional speaker in the space of knowledge management, knowledge commercialisation and workforce development.

If you need hands-on help, guidance or a workshop on how to create and implement a Knowledge Management Strategy in your organisation, get in touch: www.sarahcordiner.com/speaker

#professionalspeaker #speakeraustralia #australianspeaker #corporatespeaker #knowledgemanagement #workforcedevelopment

Get your FREE Course Creation Starter Kit: www.sarahcordiner.com/free-stuff

Sarah helps you create your own online courses and build a successful education-based business: www.sarahcordiner.com

Learn how to create your own profitable online courses, publish books, win at marketing and grow your own highly successful online business in my Edupreneur Academy: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy

Join my Facebook group: Entrepreneur to EDUpreneur Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/entrepreneur2edupreneur/


Here are 5 ways that I can help you create and publish your online courses:

1. FREE Course Creation Starter Kit and business building resources: www.sarahcordiner.com/free-stuff
2. My ‘Edupreneur Academy’: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy
3. Group Coaching: www.sarahcordiner.com/c2c
4. I can help you create your course and set up your tech FOR you: www.sarahcordiner.com/services
5. Private call with me: www.sarahcordiner.com/booking

You can also email me on sarah@sarahcordiner.com.

Sarah’s Online Courses: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy
Sarah’s Amazon Books: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018U7VRB0
Youtube: www.sarahcordiner.com/youtube
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahcordiner
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cordinersarah
Personal Web: www.sarahcordiner.com

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