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Exploring Single Source Platform Risks: The Hidden Dangers [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Many digital businesses today rely heavily on a single platform for their operations. This trend is changing the way companies work in the digital age.

Depending on one platform can bring significant risks, impacting the sustainability and growth of a business. It’s important for any digital business to understand these risks if they want to succeed.

This blog post will discuss the risks of depending on a single platform and suggest ways to reduce these risks, helping your business stay competitive and flexible.

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Exploring Single Source Platform Risks

When a business relies heavily on one digital platform, it can be vulnerable to any changes made by that platform. Imagine one day finding out that the API you use for customer data has new restrictions or costs that affect your business immediately.

Look at what happened in January 2024 when Meta suddenly limited third-party access to Facebook groups. Many businesses were caught off guard:

There have been numerous examples over …

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