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Facebook Ads Budget Calculator – [Free Download] [Video]

Social Media Marketing

Calculating your Facebook ads budget is an important first step to run successful campaigns on the biggest social media platform. Yet, many businesses are confused about which data to use. Or they simply allocate a daily budget and hope their ads will generate profit. So how do you get your budget right? Easy. Just enter your data in my free downloadable Facebook ad budget calculator and stop wondering how much to spend on Facebook ads…

  • Meta’s built-in advertising budget metrics are great to control and monitor your ad spend, but they don’t give the full picture. 
  • A better alternative is my Data Driven Facebook Ads Budget Calculator.
  • Follow the instructions in my video or the remainder of this article.
  • Optimize your campaigns (and calculations) based on the awareness level of your target audience.
  • Make sure you avoid the 3 biggest mistakes when budgeting Facebook ads.

You can download the Facebook Budget Calculator below.

Notice how this screenshot already includes vital numbers …

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