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Facebook Ads vs Google Ads [Video]

Digital Marketing

Both Facebook and Google Ad platforms are powerful advertising channels to rapidly scale a business. But which one is better? The short answer is neither, but also both … and yet – this is just to confuse you even further – maybe it’s actually YouTube

That’s the conclusion of a Data Driven U Insider masterclass presented by Alvaro Berrios, Founder & Facebook Ad Strategist at Alvaro Berrios Digital. You can connect with Alvaro on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Screenshot of the Insider masterclass “Facebook Ads on a budget”

The longer answer to whether it’s better to run Facebook ads or Google ads is that both platforms can be useful. But, to pick the right one, you need to take into account a number of different factors, including your customers, sector, and product type and then the costs versus the kinds of options and features each platform offers.

Let’s break it down and look at these factors in more detail and then, weighing …

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