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Google Pauses Its Post-Cookie Plans — Again | What’s New? [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Google Pauses Its Post-Cookie Plans — Again | What’s New?

🌎 The content marketing news you need to lead, from Content Marketing Institute’s Robert Rose.

Google has backed off its schedule for killing third-party cookies after the U.K. Competition and Market Authority raised more concerns about the Privacy Sandbox solution. Despite the extended timeline, media companies are still pushing forward their plans to secure first-party data. Should marketers follow their lead? Robert Rose says marketers can slow their roll but shouldn’t wait indefinitely.

📣So what do you think? Has your business started building a first-party data strategy, or is it waiting for Google to force the issue? Let us know in the comments.

👀 Related: Don’t Wait To See How Cookies Crumble; Cook Up a New Data Strategy Now: https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/articles/new-data-strategy/

⭐️Sources: https://privacysandbox.com/intl/en_us/news/update-on-the-plan-for-phase-out-of-third-party-cookies-on-chrome/


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