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Google SEO and Internet Marketing Changes from Matt Cutts PubCon 2013|Google SEO and Internet Marketing Changes from Matt Cutts PubCon 2013 [Video]

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Home / Google / Google SEO and Internet Marketing Changes from Matt Cutts PubCon 2013

PubCon is an excellent event that attracts Internet marketing experts from across the world. This year, Matt Cutt’s, head of webspam at Google, revealed some exciting news about the future of Google and search engine optimization.

Watch Matt Cutt’s at PubCon 2013

Important SEO Points from PubCon 2013

  • Google is working hard at fighting blackhat SEO
  • Mobile is going to be critical in 2014
  • There is supposed to be a huge SEPR refresh
  • We will see 15% or more of authorship go away
  • Google is getting better at Javascript
  • Google is working hard to establish entities and connect things online
  • Google has softened the Panda algorithm
  • Google is working hard on machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Google is working hard to establish authority for top sites in a field, you need to be an authority on a topic
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