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Google’s Limited Ad Serving Policy [Video]

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Google’s Limited Ad Serving Policy


At StubGroup, we’re here to help businesses dominate their Google Ads. Today, we’re diving into Google’s latest announcement – the Limited Ad Serving policy. We’ll explain what it means and what steps you can take to ensure your ads aren’t impacted by this new policy.

Understanding Limited Ad Serving

Google’s primary goal with this new policy is to prevent user confusion when interacting with ads on their platform. This policy will especially affect competitor conquesting campaigns and reselling campaigns, where your ads may target users searching for specific competitor names or brands.

How Will This Affect You?

If your ads are impacted by this policy, Google will classify them with a “limited ad serving” status. This status won’t lead to account suspension or ad disapproval but will restrict the visibility of your ads. Think of it as similar to “approved limited” status seen in certain industries like …

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