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Guest Blogging Strategy Guide [Video]

Marketing Platforms and CRM

Unsuccessful prospective guest bloggers act like door-to-door salespeople. They knock on as many doors as possible, delivering the same pitch and hoping at least a couple of people say yes.

Successful prospective guest bloggers act like invited guests who show up with a nice host gift. They knock on one door, follow the submission guidelines, and deliver a personalized pitch.

How can you and others at your company be the door knockers welcomed by publishing sites?

Lots of people have advice. A request for input on the topic netted 87 responses in 24 hours from a query through Help A Reporter Out. Successful guest blogger and publisher of Our Travel Mix, Delilah Hart, advises, “Build a relationship … before asking to guest blog,”

As Richard Overmyer, who oversees the guest posting process at the digital design and marketing agency Red Olive, says, “If you act as though your final goal is simply getting …

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