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How can you use HubSpot’s video tools across your business?

Marketing Platforms and CRM

Our customers often tell us that one of the really cool things about HubSpot is how it consolidates a business’ website, marketing, customer relationship management (CRM) and customer service tools into a single platform.

With these tools working together, individual teams across a business are fully aware of what’s going on: marketing knows what generates sales leads, sales know what marketing is doing to support them, and the customer service team has end-to-end visibility of touch points and a complete picture of the buyer journey. 

Until recently, video fell outside of HubSpot’s technology stack. To host and embed videos into HubSpot web pages, you would have to use YouTube, Wistia or Vimeo to host them and then use the embed codes provided. If you wanted to record your screen to quickly send a troubleshooting video to a client, you would have to use Loom or similar. 

Towards the end of …

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