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How to use your email marketing funnel to boost sales, retention & loyalty [Video]

Landing Pages and Conversion to Sale

By May 28, 2024

Email marketing is a conversion-driving machine.

In fact, email has the highest conversion rate of any B2C marketing channel (and the third-highest for B2B audiences, narrowly behind thought leadership and public speaking).

But you won’t enjoy the sales-generating benefits of email marketing unless you: 

  • Build a reliable pipeline of leads
  • Explain your value proposition effectively
  • Give new email subscribers a reason to buy

How can you do all of that?

By designing a watertight, streamlined, high-converting email marketing funnel.

The marketing funnel is a tool that helps you visualize the customer journey, or the path a prospect takes as they become familiar with your company, from introduction to conversion (and hopefully beyond).

Your marketing funnel should include the following 5 stages: 1 – Awareness 2 – Consideration3 – Conversion 4 – Loyalty 5 – Advocacy

Email marketing funnels and traditionalmarketing funnels have the same …

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