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How Walmart Built the Biggest Threat Amazon Has Faced (Video)



A decade ago, Walmart’s WMT -3.09% thousands of stores across the country made it look like a dinosaur in the online-shopping era. Now the retail giant is mounting one of the few serious challenges to’s AMZN -0.72% dominance in e-commerce, and those very stores are central to its strategy.

A Walmart worker picks items for an online order. CREDIT: Josephine Chu and Kaitlyn Wang/WSJ

Walmart delivered five billion items on the same day they were ordered last year, double the number delivered in 2023It can now deliver most of the 120,000 products in its sprawling supercenters, including meat, eggs and milk, to 93% of U.S. households the same day, sometimes in hours.

Amazon doesn’t release figures that allow an exact comparison of its same-day delivery reach. But Walmart’s sprawling delivery network, which in some areas is faster than Amazon’s, represents a leap that would have been unimaginable just a few …

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