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12 Steps to Create Videos

My SIMPLE process for writing short-form video scripts.

Digital Marketing

My SIMPLE process for writing short-form video scripts.

Read to the end for a bonus tip 😜👇⁠

1️⃣ Figure Out The HOOK First⁠

Without a good hook, nothing else matters. Period. ⁠

Ask yourself: what would make a person want to stop and watch this video?⁠

This should involve some research! Don’t just guess (“I think people might like this…”) ⁠

Get online and see what kinds of headlines & hooks are getting high engagement online.⁠

Brainstorm ways you can piggyback on those concepts with your content. ⁠

2️⃣ Deliver Value QUICK⁠

Keep the first 3 seconds juicyyyyy 💦 ⁠

No intro or lengthy explanation is needed… ⁠

Get straight to the point and give the people what they want (or they’ll keep scrolling). ⁠

3️⃣ Write An Outline (NOT A SCRIPT)⁠

Plot twist lol 😆 I don’t actually recommend you write a word-for-word script for short-form videos. ⁠

While I DO think it’s a good idea for long-form videos, we need to remember that short-form video is very different…⁠

The whole point of short-form video is to give your audience small, bite-sized clips of value & personality. ⁠

So that they feel connected to you and want to consume more of your content. ⁠

It’s really hard to create that sense of intimacy and connection if you’re reading verbatim from a script 🤖 🚫 ⁠

Instead, I recommend that you map out a few main talking points. ⁠

And use that to prevent you from getting off-topic or rambling. ⁠

BONUS TIP 👉 don’t try to cram too much into one video. ⁠

The best short-form videos are SHORT (like 30 seconds or less 👀).⁠

So if you have a whole bunch of information to share, think about how you can split that info up into separate videos with their own hooks. ⁠


Want more on writing hooks and creating videos? Comment below and let me know what you need help with! ⏬

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