5 Steps to Building an Audience with #Hashtags
5 Steps to Building an Audience with #Hashtags
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

Painting by numbers: Where CMS fits in the 14,106 products on the 2024 Martech Supergraphic [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Confession: I’m an art lover. I can’t get enough of it. Modern. Antiquity. Banksy. The whole gamut. 

How much do I love it? Well, along with other, shall we say, more practical specialties, I graduated college with an art history degree. I’ve also dragged my progeny through countless museums during school vacations, much to their delight. 

I thought my accumulated knowledge of personalities and periods would play well at parties, or perhaps bestow me with unique advantages in a “Genus” round of Trivial Pursuit. I was wrong. 

But that’s OK. My love of Ingres and Giotto still proves useful when explaining vanishing points, color theory, or just impressing a bored docent at the Met. 

After seeing this week’s 2024 Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic – the annual “Martech Map” published by chiefmartec’s Scott Brinker and MartechTribe’s Frans Riesmersma – I thumbed through my ancient edition of Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, looking for Georges Seurat

The great thing about Seurat is …

How to Supercharge your Digital Marketing with Desire Paths
How to Supercharge your Digital Marketing with Desire Paths
12 Steps to Create Videos