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Server-Side User Identification: The Secret to Better Ad Performance and Retargeting [Video]

Digital Marketing

When conversion tracking data is linked to an actual person using a website or app, that data is as good as gold for marketers.

Server-side user identification makes it possible to match individual users to specific conversion events over multiple sessions – giving you the power to take your marketing and retargeting efforts to the next level.

In this article, you’ll learn:

What Is Server-Side User Identification

Server-side user identification is the process of linking conversion data tracked through the server to individual users. 

When a user visits your website or app, server-side systems can track their behaviors by assigning them a unique ID that’s tied to their activity. This ID stays the same as they navigate through your site or app, meaning you can track things like page views, add-to-cart events, and purchases. 

Assigning a unique identifier to a user’s data collected through the server can help you know when …

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