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Soon websites will have to be ‘greener’ too [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals
A new EU directive that tackles greenwashing means that businesses should prioritise sustainability in their communications, writes Gavan Duffy of Open Design & Digital.

Sustainability and ethical design practices are gaining prominence, driven by the growing number of environmentally conscious consumers.

Irish businesses are increasingly incorporating sustainable elements into their digital strategies, from eco-friendly web hosting to using renewable resources in design materials.

This not only aligns with society’s increasingly ethical values but can also enhance brand reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious audiences.

At Open Design and Digital, we’re seeing increasing requirements from our clients to feature and incorporate sustainability into their digital marketing, either because of their own brand values or because it is mandated by their board to hit their green targets.

Going forward, it is going to be even more important for all businesses to prioritise sustainability in their communications, with the proposed upcoming green claims directive from the European Commission.

If this …

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