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Starting Your AI Transformation Journey: Your 101 Guide! [Video]

Digital Marketing for Professionals

Embarking on an AI transformation journey is a strategic endeavour that can redefine how we compete and thrive in the digital era. Artificial intelligence offers many opportunities to enhance efficiency, uncover insights, and foster innovation, but realising its full potential requires meticulous planning and execution. Before we initiate our AI journey, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of AI and acknowledge that AI transformation is an extensive process that intertwines with digital transformation.

At the crux of a successful AI adoption is a clear vision and strategy that align with our core business objectives. We must address organisational readiness and progressively build a dedicated AI transformation team. An investment in AI training paves the way for competence within our workforce, setting the stage for launching pilot projects that cement the foundation of our AI adoption. Through cautious scaling, AI can become deeply intertwined with our business processes, and its impact—evaluated …

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