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These 4 Analytics Oversights Mess With Your Content Performance Plan [Video]

Marketing Analytics and Reporting

No matter how successful your content is, you can always identify and pursue optimization opportunities and use your analytics data to guide you.

Unfortunately, even the most experienced content marketers struggle to track the most helpful metrics and access, organize, and interpret the data. Even minor miscalculations can take content performance in the wrong direction.

Trust Insights’ chief data scientist Chris Penn recently chatted with Amanda Subler on Ask the CMWorld Community. He outlined common mistakes marketers make and how to make measurement plans more effective. Watch this video and/or read on for additional tips and techniques.

Mistake 1: Confusing metrics with KPIs

A metric is not the same as a key performance indicator (KPI).

Metrics are “business-as-usual” measures – quantifying things that add value to your organization but aren’t focused on the most critical goals.

KPIs are “numbers that, if they go in the wrong direction, you might get fired.”

Consider the metric of site traffic, for example. …

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