7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

What Are Browser Extensions and How to Use Them on Chrome [Video]

Social Media Marketing

Did you know that Chrome extensions could help you become more productive? Probably not. In today’s world, where everything is digitalised, we are always looking for ways to make our online experience better, faster, and more efficient.

Every day, we roam across various websites, bounce back and forth between different apps, send and receive loads and loads of information nonstop and sign up on every new social media platform that pops up out of the blue and takes over the remaining bits of our already-taken-over attention.

Having to deal with all of that is, let’s face it, pretty overwhelming. But our guardian angels, also known as developers and everyone else working in the technology industry, always provide us with new ways to sort things out.

These ways, ironically, could be in the form of entirely new websites and apps. But they can also be small pieces of software, such as plugins, addons, and extensions, that …

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