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What is Google Glass?|What is Google Glass? [Video]

Digital Marketing

Google Glass is starting to show up everywhere. If you don’t know what it is, Google Glass is a pair of glasses that you wear on your face. The glasses have a small screen that allow you to get directions, communicate with friends, share what you are seeing and view what others are seeing. It is an incredible new tool.

I recently wrote a post for Marketing Land on predictions for the future of Google Glass. This post will give you insight on how Google Glass will influence marketing. If this is the first time you have heard of Google Glass, I recommend you watch the video below.

Watch a Video What is Google Glass

John Lincoln is CEO of Ignite Visibility, a top digital marketing agency and a six-time Inc. 5000 company. Lincoln is a frequent speaker, author of Digital Influencer, The Forecaster Method, Advolution, and creator of SEO: The Movie and Social Media Marketing: The Movie. He is consistently named …

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