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What is the most powerful form of marketing? [Video]

Course Creator Marketing

What is the most powerful form of marketing?

What is the most powerful form of marketing?

Edu-marketing is the most powerful form of marketing that there is.

When you SHOW people what you know, what you can do – by actually HELPING them in your marketing content; you will never have to ‘sell’ again.

When people EXPERIENCE your expertise, instead of your sales pitches – you make more sales AND fans in the process of simply expressing what you are passionate about.

Edu-marketing shows people that you ARE an expert in your field.

Ed-marketing gives people a real taste of your style and methodology UPFRONT.

Edu-marketing SERVES others in itself.

Edu-marketing builds trust and builds your brand.

Edu-marketing increases your visibility and positioning as an expert in your field.

Whether you are a solopreneur, or a multi-national corporate, edu-marketing should be your number one marketing method in your marketing plan alongside your many other marketing activities.

Need help with an edu-marketing strategy?

I help individual experts, institutions and oraganiations, plan, create and automate a highly effective edu-marketing plan that will elevate you as a sought-after expert in your field.

#marketing #edumarketing #edupreneur #expert #speaker #coursecreator #coursecreation #contentmarketing

Get your FREE Course Creation Starter Kit: www.sarahcordiner.com/free-stuff

Sarah helps you create your own online courses and build a successful education-based business: www.sarahcordiner.com

Learn how to create your own profitable online courses, publish books, win at marketing and grow your own highly successful online business in my Edupreneur Academy: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy

Join my Facebook group: Entrepreneur to EDUpreneur Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/entrepreneur2edupreneur/


Here are 5 ways that I can help you create and publish your online courses:

1. FREE Course Creation Starter Kit and business building resources: www.sarahcordiner.com/free-stuff
2. My ‘Edupreneur Academy’: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy
3. Group Coaching: www.sarahcordiner.com/c2c
4. I can help you create your course and set up your tech FOR you: www.sarahcordiner.com/services
5. Private call with me: www.sarahcordiner.com/booking

You can also email me on sarah@sarahcordiner.com.

Sarah’s Online Courses: www.sarahcordiner.com/academy
Sarah’s Amazon Books: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018U7VRB0
Youtube: www.sarahcordiner.com/youtube
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahcordiner
Personal Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cordinersarah
Personal Web: www.sarahcordiner.com

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