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AMA Best Recruitment Video Competition

Social Media Marketing
  • Produce a recruitment video highlighting the value and excitement students can get from being involved in your collegiate chapter.
  • Highlight the experiences your chapter has to offer in a fun and engaging way!
2024 Best Recruitment Video Competition Winner: University of Wisconsin – Whitewater

How does the competition relate to the Annual Report?

Recruitment process is part of the membership portion of the Annual Report. Membership counts for 10 out of the 100 total Chapter Award Competition Points. This section places primary importance on activities that use chapter’s “marketing skills”.

Criteria: Content (Up to 20 Points Max)

Clarity of Message: (1 to 5 Points)

  • Is the main message of the recruitment video clear and concise?
  • Does it effectively convey what the organization is looking for in potential candidates?

Information Accuracy: (1 to 5 Points)

  • Are the details about the organization, benefits, and application process accurate and up-to-date?
  • Are there any misleading or incorrect statements in the video?

Engagement: (1 to 5 Points)

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