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Bernadette Butler, Co-Founder & CEO @StoryTap: Creating Video Content to Drive Conversions

Video Content Marketing

Video content is now the rising form of digital communication, empowering businesses and people with the ability to share stories and connect in a more personal way. StoryTap is a platform enabling simplified high-quality video development for more accessible storytelling to help businesses drive conversions. Dive into how the SaaS founder of StoryTap navigates the complexities of balance in the start-up world.

Founder and CEO Bernadette Butler developed the business after experiencing first-hand the difficulties of the video development process in advertising and set out to transform that experience at an enterprise scale. Tony Zayas, Insivia’s VP of Growth, sat down with Butler to learn more about the development of StoryTap’s MVP, raising funds, collaborating with a co-founder, and much more. Below, we’ll break down the five key takeaways from the 45-minute conversation between Butler and Zayas.

#1. Taking Investment is a Marriage

Every growing start-up will require early-stage investment to help them build their business and scale. …

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