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Exploring the Top eCommerce Platforms of 2024 [Video]


The digital eCommerce universe has become one of the most competitive marketplaces around. According to Adobe, an estimated 26 million eCommerce websites are doing business today. If you’re looking to find your place under the sun, eCommerce platforms can help you achieve success in the digital marketplace.

If your business has tried an eCommerce website and failed, the problem might not be your brand or products. It might be the tools you used to build and maintain the virtual store. Today’s consumers are looking for more than just some nice product pictures and a blurb about the company.

They want to buy from websites that are easy to use and navigate. They look for key features such as search engines, chat customer service, options, and state-of-the-art security. According to Tech Jury, mobile buyers make up 67.2% of all online purchases, so they want responsiveness, too.

Setting up and managing a successful eCommerce website is a big hill to climb, but it is …

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