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Googles Veo Video Generator and Imagen 3 Try to Keep Up with OpenAI

Video Content Marketing

Google unveiled its new artificial intelligence-backed video generator Veo, signaling a significant expansion in the world of AI art.

Google went all in on its Gemini AI model at the company’s I/O keynote on Tuesday, and there were plenty of photo and video updates on display. In addition to Veo, Google announced an upgrade to its image creation tool Imagen 3 and expanded Gemini use cases with “Ask Photos,” which works with Google Photos.

Now that AI photos have become almost omnipresent, video feels ripe for disruption from large language models like Gemini. Just a few months ago, OpenAI made a big splash in the tech and video worlds when it released several short videos created with its AI video generation tool Sora. Even though these clips weren’t perfect, they were still considered hyper-realistic and highly detailed.

Google says Veo can create “high-quality 1080p resolution videos in a wide range of cinematic and visual …

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