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Lent Not Just a Trendy Health Journey, Local Reverend Emphasizes Importance of Thinking Outside the Box KLAX-TV [Video]

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ALEXANDRIA, La. – Reverend Luke Lafleur says as the Mardi Gras season comes to a close and Lent begins, remember its not just a “trendy health journey”. 

“You shouldn’t view lent just as a diet, a weight loss plan,” said Luke Lafleur of St. Joseph Catholic Church. 

The 40 days of lent include prayer, fasting, and giving. When it comes to fasting, Lafleur says it may be beneficial to abstain from more than food. 

“Definitely social media, because I think nowadays a lot of people really latch onto that and we really do waste a lot of time with social media.” 

Lafleur says we should think outside the box on what really distracts our attention. 

“Some people it’s TV, maybe younger kids, teens or whatever, maybe it’s video games. Other people, there are people out there that do give up alcohol for the season of Lent. And as far as like giving things …

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