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Social Media Marketing for Small Business: How to Get Started [Video]

Social Media Marketing

By , on 2 September 2020

Social media has changed the way we interact and communicate with each other, and it has heavily influenced how consumers shop and do business. Currently, there are over 3.2 billion people in the world with a social media account, accounting for 42% of the world’s population. This is excellent news if you’re running a small business and are looking to expand and reach more people, because your target audience is right there on social media.

But, an even better indicator of how social media marketing can influence your small business is the fact that 74% of customers rely on social media when buying something. In other words, not only do they seek out specific brands and their products on social media in order to see if they are reputable, but they also keep an eye on what the influencers have to say, which is yet another phenomenon that has emerged as a result of social media.

With that in mind, let’s take a look …

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