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The Ultimate Guide to Social Community Management [+Expert Tips] [Video]

Social Media Marketing

I used to roll my eyes at the word “community.” It sounded like just another marketing buzzword. But after becoming actively involved in building and maintaining online communities around brands, I realized the immense value hidden behind what I once dismissed as a mere fad.

For example, here at HubSpot, building a strong community has enabled us to connect with our target audience on a much deeper level and foster growth. And it’s not just us — 86% of social media marketers believe having an active community is critical to brands’ success on social media in 2024. And an impressive 60% say their companies are already building such communities.

In this complete guide to community management, I’ll tell you everything you need to know, and include practical steps to integrate it effectively into your brand’s marketing strategy.

Why Should Your Brand Care About Community Management?

So, what makes community management so special? Why should you even care? To answer these questions, we need …

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