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Will Critchlow πŸ€‘ Show SEO Value to Leadership [Video]

Search Engine Optimization

Will Critchlow πŸ€‘ Show SEO Value to Leadership

πŸ’₯ Support our sponsors: – Patented backlinking software! πŸ’₯ – Digital PR Link Building Agency πŸ’₯

🎀 SEO Knowledge Bomb Podcast just launched! 5-min recaps of every episode.

It looks like the March Core and Spam update is still rolling out.

I have a few clips to share on how you can prevent being affected by these updates.

Google also Clarified references to page experience and Core Web Vitals.

You can read more about it in the link below:

Why being risk-averse is essential for avoiding Google algorithm updates and penalties Lily Ray shares her insights.

Being risk-averse and safe all depends on your industry and competition.

We all know the casino and adult niche are filled with spammy links that work.

However, you wouldn’t do this to a B2B client or startup.

Just be a responsible SEO for clients and do all the edgy stuff on your sites.

Here are PROVEN Steps To Beat Google Updates by auditing your content by Authority Hacker

I’m a massive advocate for content refreshes and pruning.

Ensure your site is filled with high-quality content and is up to date with traffic.

How Matt Diggity DOMINATE #Google SEO without Building Websites

I’ve always wanted to buy up websites.

But it would help if you had capital.

So, the sites on See on Flippa and other marketplaces are just out of my budget.

I’m curious about Matt’s success rate on these cold call pitches; I’m sure the site’s price can be substantially cheaper.

A Mistake Every SEO Newbie Makes by Nathan Gotch

Be sure to check out Nathan’s book. It is perfect if you want to get into SEO consulting and start an SEO business.

Want to show the SEO value to your company or client?

That brings me to my favorite part of the show.

Please ask questions on the topic, and I will address them in the order they are received.

Before we get started, here is a word from our sponsor.


Will founded Distilled in 2005 along with Duncan Morris.

He started the SearchLove conference series in 2009 and expanded the SEO consulting business and the conference series to the US.

He built a platform for SEO A/B testing and agile changes to large websites, which we spun out as an independent business called SearchPilot in February 2020.

Brainlabs acquired the Distilled business (along with SearchLove).

He spends most of his time running SearchPilot, live streaming, and speaking at marketing conferences.

Please welcome Will Critchlow.

My SEO Software & Services Stack:
πŸ‘‰ Cora SEO Software (25% off) –
πŸ‘‰ Page Optimizer Pro –
πŸ‘‰ TubeBuddy YouTube SEO –

#SEO #SearchEngineOptimization #SEOvideoSHOW

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